At the risk of completely living up to the stereotype, L and I have just finished setting up our new organic garden. This weekend was perfect for this project... beautifully sunny skies interrupted by a few periods of good, solid rain. We started with a visit to
Seattle Tilth's annual edible plant sale, made a quick stop by Home Depot for some extra supplies, and a few hours of work later, we had 56 square feet of healthy soil boosted by additional organic soil and compost, arranged into four rows of raised beds and surrounded by chicken wire to (hopefully) keep the wild rabbits from eating everything before we do.

L picked some terrific plants and seeds to create a balanced garden. Our great hope is for five varieties of delicious tomatoes and some sweet corn by mid-summer, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for our four little seedlings of romanesco cauliflower.

My back is a bit sore and my legs are tired, but it's a good feeling after a productive weekend. Now, we just need the sun to cooperate and do a little work for us...